Friday, 26 November 2010


Think back before Pixar unleashed "Toy Story" on the world... if you can then you can remember a time where The House Of Mouse had lost its way and any form of animation was immediately consigned to the small people with no taste or standards.

Since then every production company has strived to match the high levels of Pixar's output and thankfully for punters some have risen to the challenge - think "How To Train Your Dragon" and the first "Shrek." Now get ready to add DreamWorks' latest because "Megamind" is... mega!

The plot may eat away at the back of your mind as faimilar - a baddie who turns out to not be such a bad guy after all - but DreamWorks moves away from the similarily themed "Despicable Me" and gets the hero/villian set-up out of the way in less than 10 minutes flat. If you think you've seen the whole movie from the trailer, thankfully for once you're wrong! All that they show in the trailer is delivered upon the screen before 15 minutes have passed and the rest of the film is a delightful surprise.

Will Farrell (Megamind) finally delivers on his Saturday Night Live promises and whacks home all his one-liners unlike his recent "The Other Guys" and Brad Pitt becomes the teeth-glinting hero that all women believe he is (and in hushed whispers, many men as well.) From the play on the baby-sent-from-a-dying-planet intro (superb Superman rift) to the hero-wannabe turned nitemare to the city (The Incredibles), it delivers a fresh slant on the expected turn of events keeping things, even if predictable, fun enough to forgive/ignore.

What we have here is a film that audiences now look for in a "family film" - pratt falls for the younger members and sly in-jokes for their accompanying older ticket payers. Plus a kicking soundtrack that shows that "Ironman" doesn't have the sole ownership on AC-DC tracks. Great fun and even greater in 3D - Megamind for Mayor!

UK release date: 26/11/10
Certificate: PG

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